For more than 40 years, the health and safety of our community has been a top priority. The most important aspect of our whole-senior approach is making sure your loved one is safe, secure, and supported. As always, we are working diligently to follow and exceed the stringent hygiene guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and our federal, state, and local officials.
Enhanced Entrance Protocols:
- Hand sanitizing stations are available for everyone entering the building to sanitize their hands.
- Screenings will take place of staff and client/caregiver at the Health Check Station. Anyone showing signs of illness will not be permitted to enter. This includes a temperature of 100.0 or higher.
- Stay home if sick. If clients or staff show signs of illness, we will ask the ill person to stay home until they’ve been symptom-free without medication for at least 72 hours.
- If your loved one becomes sick during the day, they will be brought to a space away from all other clients, and caregivers will be expected to pick up their loved one as soon as possible.
- Travel Advisory: Any fully vaccinated person does not need to quarantine after travel. Unvaccinated caregivers need to be tested between days 3-5 of quarantine. If negative they may return after 7 days of quarantine. If they choose not to test they can return after 10 days of quarantine. If caregivers travel and clients do not the caregiver needs to quarantine not the client. Unless caregiver tests positive clients still may attend our day program.
- Any caregiver, client, or staff member who tests positive for COVID-19 must notify the center immediately, consult their physician, and begin a 14-day quarantine period. The caregiver, client, or staff member cannot return to the center until they complete the 14-day quarantine and/or they present a negative test result and a doctor’s note clearing them to return.
- If the center is mandated to close we will assist families with alternate community resources to help minimize disruption.
Protocols for Inside the Building:
- Face coverings will be required for staff, except while outside. Staff will encourage clients to wear masks but they will not be forced, and we can not guarantee compliance due to the disease process. The following exceptions to mask wearing:
- While having a snack or eating a meal
- While outside
- When needed for a break or rest from wearing a face covering
- Handwashing is required of all staff members upon arriving at the center.
- All persons in the center are to be fully vaccinated.
Social Distancing Strategies:
- Group sizes will be adjusted to guidelines given to us by the CDC, state and local authorities.
- Activity areas and supplies will be cleaned following each activity and items are stored.
- Gloves will be worn while handling food and handwashing is required after working with a client and before working with the next client.
- Special events will be canceled or postponed until further guidance from the state is provided.
- We will socially distance clients during all group activities as well as when they are working with the Centers materials, as much as possible and when it is appropriate.
Cleaning and Sanitizing Procedures:
- Routinely clean, disinfect, and sanitize. The Center has a schedule for cleaning and disinfecting all common areas throughout the day.
- Air purifiers are run in all areas throughout the day.
Food Preparation and Meal Services:
- Staff ensures clients wash hands prior to and immediately after eating.
- Handwashing is required of staff prior to applying gloves to prepare food and after helping clients, as needed.
- We offer meal options through our catered lunch program or you may send your loved one in with their own lunch. We offer nutritious snack options as well.
We will follow and exceed the guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control, and our federal, state, and local officials.